Кардио-перитонеален кат,станд, полупрозр, 90 см
Max. value paid with public resources:
Data for med. device |
10IIIV6115903202 |
19/08/2021 11:25 |
19/08/2021 12:11 |
12/12/2016 14:23 |
| Identification of the manufacturer |
Registration Number |
Joan Kadrmas |
sanja.lekovic@medtronic.com |
| Identification of the person placing the product on the market |
RSR Ltd.
Emilia Andreeva |
| Identification of the wholesaler |
Emilia Andreeva |
IV-P-T/МИ/021 |
29/08/2007 |
| General medical information about the device |
10 - Single-use devices |
Class ІІІ |
Кардио-перитонеален кат,станд, полупрозр, 90 см |
| Description of the medical device |
Sterility, Hospital prescription |
| Intended action by the manufacturer |
General trade information |
Processing |
2096404DE08 |
01/05/2024 |